VULTURES - Divine Retribution Unleashed CD

$9.00 / On Sale

DIPR 26 - VULTURES - Divine Retribution Unleashed CD
Genre: Death Metal
Country: Indonesia
Label: Death in Pieces Records
Release date: July 15th

“Divine Retribution Unleashed” is Vultures’ first EP that also becomes a sign of Vultures’ exploration in Death Metal. They combine the influences from the old and new generation of Death Metal such as Bolt Thrower, Frozen Soul, Kommand, and other HM-2 maniacs.

This EP contains 6 songs that are connected from one to another in one storyline. They cited some of the lyrics and events from the Holy Qur’an that let the listeners interpret it by themselves. But, in general, it mostly discusses the events about Pharaoh and Moses, war, death, aftermath, and doomsday.

“Divine Retribution Unleashed” is a reminder for everyone that every single sin is counted, and has consequences. Death is not the end. It is a new beginning.

1. An Ode to Death and Destruction
2. Inevitable Fate
3. The Splitting of the Sea
4. Rain of Swords
5. Eternal Sleep
6. Land of Gathering

Official line up:
Amar Amrullah (Vocals)
Adam Maulana (Guitar)
Rama Budihara (Bass)

Recording credits
All music & lyrics were performed and arranged by Vultures with the help of Romadhon Pungkas on drums
Recorded at Siranda Studio & Inside the Whale Lab
Mixed and mastered by Irvan Naba (Inside the Whale Lab)
Logo, artwork, and layout by Wisnu Aji (@bloodthrower_)

Special Guest Musicians:
“An Ode to Death and Destruction” was performed by Dyah Ayu Larasati.
Drums on all songs were filled by Romadhon Pungkas